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Find out what's happening with our agency, the placements we've secured for our clients and our blog posts.

Photo Credit: Cristopher Nolasco

Forty6Eleven secures two clients on HGTV Canada’s new renovation series “Farmhouse Facelift”
Home decor and building materials product placement agency secures Kichler and Regal Ideas to help renovate and restore rustic farmhouses...

Forty6Eleven secures five clients on season of HGTV’s design competition “Rock the Block”
Home decor and building materials product placement agency secures Kichler as the exclusive lighting brand for the season, along with...

Forty6Eleven secures clients on HGTV’s new renovation series “Ty Breaker” with host Ty Pennington
Home decor and building materials product placement agency, Forty6Eleven, secures Kichler and Kitchen Cabinet Kings throughout...

Home decor product placement agency, Forty6Eleven, secures placement on HGTV "Celebrity IOU"
Forty6Eleven secures in-lite outdoor lighting on the second season of the heartwarming home renovation series with twin brothers Drew and...

Forty6Eleven places its home decor client on HGTV “Property Brothers: Forever Home”
Home decor product placement agency secures Kichler Lighting in the home renovation series with super hosts, designers and twin brothers,...

Forty6Eleven places its clients on Jasmine Roth’s new renovation show, Help! I Wrecked My House
Forty6Eleven secured products for Kitchen Cabinet Kings and Zia Tile in HGTV’s new home renovation series LOS ANGELES, CALIF., October...

Home decor product placement agency, Forty6Eleven, places its clients’ products on Bargain Mansions
Forty6Eleven secures products for three of its clients in the third season with the talented host, designer and home restoration expert,...

Forty6Eleven places home decor clients in new home renovation television series Fixer to Fabulous
Los Angeles product placement agency places products from Kichler Lighting and Lunada Bay Tile on HGTV ‘Fixer to Fabulous’ with hosts Dave a

Forty6Eleven places top home improvement and building material products on HGTV's "Buying a
Los Angeles-based product placement agency, Forty6Eleven, secures home improvement products in the upcoming Calgary, Canada season of HGTV &

Los Angeles home improvement product placement agency places tile clients on 'Restored By The Fords'
Los Angeles home improvement product placement agency secures tile placements in home improvement show "Restored By The Fords"
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